πŸ™‚ Indicates a friend

πŸ˜„ Indicates a close friend

πŸ“Indicates a local friend

🏑 Indicates a close and a local friend

🏘️ Indicates a close, local and IRL friend

Yonatan 🏘️

Friends with me since 11 years ago.

Alva25 🏘️

Digital Artist


Friends with me since 8 years ago. Sister of Yonatan.

xproot 🏑

A furry who doesn't want to admit it. Still in debt with linode.

Arsen GonzÑlez 🏑

Ily <3

HIDEN64 πŸ˜„

She's a special friend to me.

Nick99Nack πŸ˜„

Computer Geek and Hi-fi Enthusiast.

Floppydisk πŸ™‚

Creates things that nobody asked for.

dkay πŸ™‚

He's always dkaying.